

Grape Escape aka Ice Wine & Niagara on the Lake

After our tour of the falls we drove along the gorge at the basin of the falls and stopped in at a few wineries.  Niagara is the the home of Ice Wine.  Ice Wine is a dessert wine where the grapes are frozen on the vine (which makes sense seeing as it hails from Niagara).  It's super sweet - I actually prefer it a little less sweet but you know they say it's great with dessert.   We did a little wine tasting while there Heather's husband John was glad to have someone who drinks wine along for the ride as she doesn't.  Anyhow it was fun to do some wine tasting although I did not buy any to take home since I wasn't sure I had room in my bag or I wanted to claim it in customs.   So all wine was consumed ;o)

FYI we didn't really let the kiddos drink they just had sparkling grape juice.


  1. Did I know you liked wine? or at least wine tasting? Next time you're out here we might be able to fine a winery or two. sounds like you had a great time! thanks for the pictures.

  2. I prefer white to red and I actually like beer better but I enjoy wine.
