

Oh Canada!

This past weekend I spent in Canada with my friend Heather and her family of boys.  It was exactly what I needed to snap me out of my "winter sucks" dull-drums I have been feeling recently.   Oh and this also technically qualifies for #47 on my list.
I had a very Canadian experience complete with "eh's", hockey, curling, ice wine, good companionship and maple syrup (did you know maple syrup was a food group in canada?)  Heather and her family are perfect hosts for this type of weekend.  Anyhow here is a short recap of our trip to Niagara Falls.
Heather and I at the falls, it was cold and snowing while we were there but that's okay because it's Canada and still technically winter.

Because of the mist on the horseshoe the American side of the falls were a little easier to photograph.  I also loved their icebergs at the base. 
American Side
Horseshoe (Canadian side)
Railings with the horseshoe in the back
From the Ferris Wheel.

When I saw the Ferris Wheel I knew I must ride it. It was fantastic.  And Heather was an extra good sport and did not throw up on the ride.
Much to Heather's oldest sons disappointment we did not buy any fudge but I photographed the shop.
I also did not have Ice Cream, but I wished I had.
Braden - Heather's youngest boy wanted me to get a moose or a mounty or a moose mounty really bad however I did not seeing as I don't really like knick knacks or stuffed animals. Had we have gone into one more gift shop on the trip I would have caved though.
I saw the worlds fattest boy oh wait that's Jared
And I saw the worlds tallest man I thought he might make a good match for me until I tried to kiss him.
We also went to the Hershey's store - Heather and clan LOVE chocolate. I'm not quite sure LOVE is fitting it's more like LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate.  Throughout my trip this was their snack of choice and was found in the consuls of the car, purses, backpacks, and other hiding spots.
I also ran into a tall CMP he made me swoon or make sour faces whichever it was.

Hey is that a CMP and a moose or is that Katie napping??
And then we set off for our "grape escape"
To be continued...


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful time! I love all the big stuff!

  2. Well, we really have nothing like this in Evansville to entertain you with, so I guess you'll just have to go boating with us again. :)
