

Happy Easter from Us!

We had a nice Easter.  We went to church in the morning then came home and worked on items on the list, prior to easter supper and family Wii time.
Jones and Co Family Photo minus JJ.
 We made kebobs instead of a traditional Easter dinner. 
 Yum and yum
 Mom supervising the grilling

 My kitchen is so tiny when we have family dinner in it. You don't even need to leave your seat to get water.

 Schreve doesn't want his picture taken.
 We played some Wii

 And had homemade cinnabons for dessert

 More Wii - I wonder who was out of sync - jono and Mel or Schreve?
 Jono and Schreve's face is priceless
 Momo likes to play even without the remote.
And here's the whole crew - well minus JJ, Chris, and Alicia.
And one more of just the siblings.


  1. Wonderful pictures! Looks like you had a great day - kebobs and all!

  2. Your apron is so cute! And those cinnamon rolls look amazing.

  3. Man, those cinnamon rolls look good. Are they a PW recipe?

  4. Almost PW I had to make altercations for lack of maple flavoring and less than 9 cups of flour
