

Penguin Adenture April - Peguins for Easter

Remember on the last adventure we made penguins?  Well this month we put them in Easter eggs and scattered them about Indy.  We also included notes wishing people a happy Easter.  It was a fun activity I wish we could have sat and watched who found the eggs.  I hope that people enjoy their penguin finger puppets and the little miniature clay penguins.   Happy Easter to all those who found a penguin and to all those that didn't I hope you have a blessed easter as well.  Some photos ...
We put some in trees at parks.

These are some of the penguins
This one we left on a footpath bridge.
Momo really loved the lilacs
So we left a penguin egg in the lilacs.
We found these what I call bleeding hearts and there was an bumblebee I wish I could have captured a better photo of him but he would not sit still.
And we left an egg in a cherub.
And on steps
At the bus stop
Here is one of the little guys that went into the eggs.
more of the penguins.
Assembling eggs.
I kept that little gal with the blue eyes.

Do you see the egg in the pansies?

Here I am pre my sunburn for the weekend.
Here's one we left on a bench.
Not sure where we are heading for our next penguin adventure but looking forward to it.


  1. I found some eggs here .. but no penguins in them! Sounds like you had a great day!

  2. Katie that's the cutest idea. Well done for making someone's day! I really need to think about doing this...

  3. You are such a gift to the world. Love that you left random eggs for others to find. What a wonderful idea.
