

The I Am Home List

I make lots of lists. Most in my phone. Today I really wanted to write on paper while bored at the airport. (I spent 20 hours waiting at the airport then 5 flying home).
Anyhow one of the lists I made was a "hey I am home list" in anticipation of getting home. This is a list of all the "at home" things I need to do. Anyhow to bore you to death here it is:
  • Open the last month of Mail - DONE
  • Mail unmailed
  • Sew the Bee Blocks
  • Finish Robert Kaufman IMQG challenge
  • Deposit checks
  • Oil change
  • Tires/breaks
  • Return random Lowes things
  • Get soil for garden
  • Clean yard 
  • Plant garden
  • Mow
  • Finish all March expenses
  • Get new laptop bag
  • Take Lynley her syrup
  • Paint dressers
  • Move Lita's room
  • Ship BB to brad
  • Sand floors
  • Clean out fridge - DONE
  • Cut fat quarters
  • See friends
  • Grill out
  • Celebrate Easter
  • Bike ride
  • Clean off table
  • Dust fans
  • Install new doors.
Oh and I have come home and jumped right into business knocking these out and not messing around.  

Jodie - If you want to send Logan over for Easter I'll get him started in the yard pronto. ;o) 



  1. Glad you got home. I notice you didn't include any pengins adventures on that list!

  2. Wow! You certainly do like to make lists .. I usually just keep all the stuff in my head and accomplish nothing ...

  3. Penguins are included in celebrate Easter momo

  4. Logan and the Minniear's are headed to Indy tonight. I'll see if we can spare him tomorrow. :) You might have to hide some money in those bushes however.
