


My flight was cancelled tonight after i spent 4 hours at the airport. I know fun stuff. I'm taking a flight tomorrow thru Minnieapolis because that's the best way home - seems crazytown to me but I have first class tickets. So I thought I would take the opportunity to share more from the trip to Vermont.   
Just a few notes about the trip then a bunch of photos.  Burlington is a lovely town much bigger than I thought.  It has a "college - hippie" vibe but it definitely was a fun town for a weekend trip.  My favorite stop was MagicHat it's an adorable brewery I wish they had live music while we were there as they have had some awesome bands stop in.  Ben and Jerry's is the same in Vermont as elsewhere but the factory seem to have the same vibe as MagicHat.  Maple Syrup Farms was still Maple Syrupy and I'm happy to say I have another year supply in my suitcase. The mountain's and lake are beautiful even though spring hasn't really sprung in the area it still was full of beautiful views.  Stowe was not that that interesting to me it would have been more fun if we were skiing or playing in the snow.  One of my favorite parts of the trips was when we went to see covered bridges in the rain and fog and you could see the steam rolling off the mountains - I wish I knew how to photograph that (Jodie I needed you to capture it).
one of the 4 bridges we saw.

Lake Champlain which is surrounded by mountains perhaps sometime I'll come back in the summer.
people walk ferrets in Burlington.
Me in Burlington.
Bridge Tresses
Another bridge - they all were the same.
This reminded me of the Old North Church.
I really liked this building too.
Outside some restuarant
I thought this was the lochness monster but seems it's the lake Champlain dragon or something.

These were around Burlington they are like the monkeys on the wizard of oz.
Oh there's Magic Hat.


Mountains of Stowe.

Ben and Jerry's

And then the maple syrup farm.  I couldn't resist riding a tractor.

I love this shot of all the grades of syrup. 
This is sad.  I'm not sure you can read the cartoon but it reads "you can by maple syrup in the store for $30/gallon or you can make it yourself for $50"

Mini Vermont State Capital Building
This was my attempt at photographing the fog.  The air had that blue feel but it isn't very crisp.
This one much the same.

Oh and one shot of "the cube" on a bridge. 


  1. looks like your trip was wonderful! wish I could have been there, too!

  2. Love the photos from your trip. I think we need to take a photography teaching trip. My favorite image was the one of the syrups in the window. Awesome pic.
