

My Momo

She is the Cutest. She has been known to send me cute little emails and says the funniest things. When we were kids she used to make us up great stories, and led us on the greatest adventures. Oh and did I mention she wants to beerbarrelpolka at my brother Schreve's wedding. Yes that's right. Well last night she tells me the best little story (sorry it's not mine to share) and then wants me to give her "brutally honest" advice which I do and we hang up. I hang up and I tell my friend about it and then I smile.
You know why I am smiling? Because 18 months ago my mom probably wouldn't have had that conversation and because I want her life to be filled with good things. Blessings are coming for her I just know it. Love you Momo!



  1. I hope she shares the story for all to hear! I'm glad she's doing well, even if she isn't happy living alone.

  2. You probably will just need to call and ask her.
