


I had the Ver-merriest of times in Vermont this weekend.  It was full of laughs and adventure (well as much as adventure as one can have in Vermont.)  I returned exhausted from all the laughing and good times had.  I am also ready to call my best friend from college and see if she wants to be a hippie with me and move to Vermont and start up some random hair- brained scheme?  Yes that's right Jill - pack up Dave and the twins we are starting a startup.
Actually I have no desire to do that but after touring MagicHat and Ben & Jerry's it seemed like it would be a fun life.  Anyhow I'll share more soon about our trip but here are some iPhone photos because I'm too tired to upload them from the big cam. 
This is the Von Trapp Lodge.  Isn't it dreamy? (yes that's SNOW - people were skiing and snowboarding still)
 This was the best restaurant we ate at all weekend - it's a complete dive in the middle of no where and it was 11pm. 
 We look possessed I swear it's the lighting.
 This was our favorite store.  It was most adorable.
 Jackie liked it too.
 Holy Cow I found Waldo in Vermont.
 SJ found this sign - I couldn't stop laughing.
 Ben and Jerry's for the record you are NOT allowed to talk to the waffle cone maker and get directions to Karaoke or else you lose your place in line (and they are stingy with sprinkles)
 We saw some life music at some place - the band was called the complaints I need to friend them on facebook.
 Oh my look the loc ness monster - or wait is that the lake Champlain monster? 
 Vermont is so clever with all their little sayings and products.  Vermints anyone?
 The Lake - beautiful
 MagicHat this was one of my favorite places.  I sampled all the beers even the stout. 
 I am not sure why I look so ill here I was just cold - one should not decide to wear a tank top in Vermont in April no matter how warm you were the day before.
 SJ waiting for the Ben and Jerry's tour.
 Me and Jackie at some pub. I swear I'm not a vampire see look at my teeth
 Oh wait I'm a ghost!
 I saw a moose.
 And a guerrilla art garden
 Look at the height difference.
 I went fishing with a monkey too.  I caught nothing but he did. 
Oh and one more thing this is also #47 done a second time this year.  Back with more details soon.


1 comment:

  1. if hippies are making quilts, I'll join up. The Von Trapp Lodge -- how cool.
