


I thought I would share a few things you might not know about me. "Secrets" so to speak or as my friend Dave once told me when he was drunk "Cigarettes" I thought he was trying to bum a cigarette off of me and in fact he just was telling me "secrets".
  • My friend Dee has been giving me books and I've actually been reading them - I read 4 books already this year.
  • I was shy when I was young - way young I know hard to believe.
  • I went to school to be a graphic designer - decided that wasn't for me.
  • I have been to 9 MLB fields + 2 that exist no more- 4 including Wrigley and Green Monster although my favorite is Great America.
  • I am a non-denominational christian
  • My sock drawer runs over and I detest socks.
  • I have the worlds ugliest ceiling fan in my bedroom.
  • My favorite color is green but I am also drawn to things gray, red and pink (sounds like a quilt combo).
  • I collect magnets, pressed pennies, vintage games, charms, and memories.
  • I am a consultant for an IT company - my mom thinks this means I play on the computer all day.
  • One of my very best friends is as old as my mom but we were soul mates from when we first met - shout out JillyB
  • I have been on more first and second dates in the last year then I have in the first years of my life sadly I haven't wanted to go on many other dates beyond those.
  • I have over 100 photos on the wall of my living room and I'm not done hanging pictures. 


  1. y'know they aren't cigarettes anymore ... I think I remember when you were shy. Michael says let's hope you weren't dating in the first five years of your life .. but I know what you meant.

    have a great day!

  2. Love your little secrets, shy, Katie? and what a great photo of you. :)
