

Flashback 1990 something

I thought I'd do a throwback to mix it up in these posts.  This throwback goes back to the 1990's when I was wearing super high ponytails, bad perms, and had skin that actually tanned.  But pretty much which is par for the course I can't seem to stand or act normal in a photograph.  I guess some things never change.
That's me in the middle with my leg hiked up all goofy I guess I was trying to kick in the window?  Thanks to my friends Meg and Lauren for not making me look so bad.  I even have on jelly flip flops oh those were so trendy.
And here I am on a street corner in Chicago - Rachel actually has her pants or boxers at her feet such a nice touch it matches our hats (I still have that paper hat BTW).
This has to be my favorite ever sports photo of me.  It was super windy and sunny and I think we'd just run 2 miles.  The glare off my racket is a nice touch.  I still have that racket and that shirt too.
Oh Lauren and I riding a camel.
What would a flashback be like without prom photos.  These are my bada$$ moves Donnie is amazed by them - The face I'm making is priceless.

Hawaii 5-0?  Oh no wait that's me in that snazzy hawaiian shirt it was borrowed from Caleb, he's next to me in the hat, then Jenny G, Matt, and Lori.
Here we are for Senior Prom - yes I went in a tie-dye dress and with guy in a blue leisure suit (would you believe he actually asked if I would mind?  Of course not).  Rachel again looking very classy.
Here is our who crew at prior to prom.  Is it sad I cannot even remember all these peoples names. ??, ?? Katy in the blue, Lauren, Matt, Russ, Chuck, Rachel, Donnie, Lori, ??, Jenny G behind Caleb, Me and Caleb.
We could not have thought we were cooler.  Just an FYI that awesome dress cost me $15 and I still have it.
Tennis Team photo - we sat so lady like I think I was even wearing a skirt.
Oh and graduation.  Mrs Thompson she was the home ec teacher I took an unusual amount of home ec my senior year I think just so I could avoid homework.  I learned to thread a sewing machine in that class.  Lauren and Matt they actually took Peer Helping with Mrs. T but I wasn't a "helper" type.
And I couldn't resist sharing this beauty.  I have on the utmost of fashion trends green furry hat paired, with purple cape, and striped pants.  But in all fairness Lauren, Rachel and Donnie also look goofy (it was after prom).
Enough embarrassing photos for now.

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