

#32 - Restyle Something

For the record I started this project slightly terrifed because while I can sew - I am a very "free" sewist.  I don't follow patterns (I never have), and I don't make clothes aside from that one time I made boxers and a skirt both on the bias because it seemed like the cool thing to do - For the record it's not that cool of an idea.
Anyhow I bought this dress while thrifting with Lita for like $1.50.  I bought with the intent to restyle it perhaps to wear to schreve's wedding (alicia what do you think about that? jk).   Lita thought I was crazy for buying an 1980's oversized church dress.  But I bought it anyway because I like the drop-waist.   Of course the rest of the day I kidded her about buying every ugly dress we saw.   Anyhow it started out looking like this.
Last night it got a facelift.  I removed the should pads, sleeves and buttons.  See you later!  I also took it in a little turning by turning it inside out and then pinning it while I had it on - NOTE this is easier if you have someone else help you which I learned the hard way.
And then I stiched it up, made it a little belt although it's a bit short for my waist so I might have to sub in something for my closet.  I added some buttons from my very large collection and tada - vintage dress has new life.
Aside from the fact I cut arm holes so big you can see the side of my bosoms - I think it's much improved.  Surprisingly despite my non-straight lines, and the fact I used a quilting needle you can't tell I did it.   I have to get a black tank top so I can  show you what it looks like on without a little "show".  But I crossed #32 off my list .  Moving forward though if I do this again I think I'll look for a dress that's in a little better shape this one was very well worn and and the fabric is much thinner than I thought it was originally.


  1. Very cool! Can't wait to see it on you.

  2. You are so talented. I can't believe that you are my daughter. I should try to get up there soon so I can see it on you!

  3. Such a clever one you are. Be sure to show us a pic of you wearing it!

  4. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Wow, great dress! I don't like using patterns either, and what you made took a lot of skill; good job! By the way, I absolutly love your blog! :)

  5. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Where can I follow you? I looked all over your blog but can't find the follow button :/ could be me just being computer illiterate though
