

Da Metro + Chinatown + Mom with Pastrami (Jones & Co Summer Vacation Part 2)

So continuing on with our vacation saga.  After surviving the mild heat at cathedral we decided yes we can take more heat and hopped on an un-air conditioned DC Metro car bound for Chinatown.  We literally thought we might die on the car with a void of breathing air + the mugginess that is the swamp DC is built on.  Hah!  At the first stop we darted back onto the platform for another car which much to our relief did have working air conditioning.  Let me just say I am glad that we live in America where we can ride public transport for $2 and expect it to be cool and refreshing - I only wish they also served cocktails. 
Anyhow we got to Chinatown without any other major snafus. 
The boys like to ride standing up.  I have the balance of a hippo so I prefer to sit so I can avoid showing people my graceful moves.   It also make texting easier
Nobody was having the let's take a photo on the escalator segment that I wanted - image that.
If you have ever been to Chinatown in DC you probably know that aside from like 1/2 a square block there are no real Chinese or really Asians left it's just a posh neighborhood with some nice shopping, the wizards arena and sky high priced condos.  Of course I went in search of a nice straw hat and maybe some flip flops at a little Chinatown store only to be let down finding only two stores neither carrying any cutesy Asian wares I wanted.  But I was in luck because H&M was around the corner and I got a straw hat for $6.50 and it was the last one in the store - score! After walking around with our feet starting to melt to the pavement we decided we should probably just return to Alexandria for dinner with Chris's dad, before we were too cranky for our own good. 
FCH is made in America

We went for dinner at some Italian joint in Alexandria.  It was a pretty good place my chicken parm was ever so lovely and mom got a pastrami sandwich which was her first since like 1968 and I think she mentioned like 10 times how long it had been since she had one. 

More vacation posts to come and you are in luck as my flight is delayed 4 hours so I might have time to finish blogging and scheduling these before I leave the airport.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a steamy, fun day. Those unheated metro cars are unbearable .. glad the next one was air conditioned.
