

Hello 1000 & The National Cathedral

Yes that's right this is post 1000. Holy Cow that is crazy town. It's also goal #51 on my list so check!  I had all these grand intentions about blogging something that was a list of 1000 somethings but time continues to escape from me and that never happened so instead you get a post from family vacation 2011. 
This summer we packed up the cars and drove to Washington DC and to Ocean City, both familiar places but we wanted to be able to drive on vacation this year to keep costs down.    Sadly the Schreve and Al couldn't join us this year since they are paying for a wedding in the fall but we didn't let that stop us from having some quality family time.
First stop on our trip was to the National Cathedral one of Chris's favorite places in the city.    It was hot enough outside to fry an egg however we enjoyed that the Cathedral is air conditioned.  This is a less frequented travel stop in DC because it's kind of out of the way, but it's no less beautiful.  It's a great place to go to avoid the crowds of tourists.  The architecture and stained glass windows are awesome.  And even the crypts are cool.  Did you know that helen keller and some presidents are buried there?    If you have never been I highly recommend it - on the way there check out embassy row too. 
JJ and Chris had their camera which they graciously let me use so I actually appear in some of those taken on my camera since Jono and Lita got to use it.   But as a result I only have a small portion of the photos to share with you now as I need to download like a gig of pics from the other camera.  However hopefully you enjoy these Cathedral photos
A little sunflare and the cathedral I always love that Washington has blue skies for me.
Jono and Smash - there are quite the amount of photos of these too taken on my camera

Me and Thomas Jefferson
JJ and Chris - for the record I cannot help that Chris and I get a little crazy when we hang out together I think my brother is dating my twin personality ;o)
See magnificent windows
The girls
I love the view from the gardens

I wish Schreve was in this brother photo.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on 1000! Unbelievable! Looks like you all had a great time, as always!
