

August - Oh Summer Don't End!

Here we are in August!  July went by in a snap. I must be getting old as I think just yesterday it was the fourth of July I swear.  My summer is ending and I want to stop it.  July however, was an awesome month as anticipated it was a HOT one too.  I still have stories to share on the blog one of these days I'll get on with it. Anyhow for a little recap of my goals

July goals -
  • A Family Vacay Photobooth or 10 ;o) - YES
  • Get those Floors Finished -mmmmm no
  • Go out with westerners - YES
  • Finish 5 of the 52 in 11 list - Let's see #6, #17 1/2 way, #21 photos to come soon, #31, #51 so that's a big COMPLETE
  • Daily devotionals - Perhaps a bi-daily!
  • Improve mile time - It's about 20 seconds faster although to give myself credit I only ran/jogged like 10 times.
  • Finish May and June videos - DONE
  • Finish the up-cycled dress - DONE
Holy cow would you look at that despite spending 80% of the time on the road I actually got some things done.  I'm very impressed with myself.  I was going to not make a list for August thinking I just didn't have the time but heck with it I'm making one anyhow.   So in August I want to... 
  • Make the Free Spirit Jay McCarroll Quilt
  • Finish 2 things from Big List
  • Make Pico (my tomatoes are ready)
  • Dim Sum
  • See three "big" things
What you planning to do in August? 



  1. You have got nice blog site. Congratulations..

  2. How did I miss this until now? must be a space cadet. Hope you've been able to accomplish your August.
