

Chicago from my iPhone

So I went to Chicago to meet up with some super awesome ladies.  It was such a good time as usual I almost didn't go but I'm so glad I did.  I only wish I had only taken more photos of us and less photos of food, ferris wheels and architecture.  But it's too late now here are some iPhone snaps nicer photos soon. 
We went to Portillo's I love hot dogs from there.

We went to Gino's for chicago pizza (for the record I actually don't like it so Tammy and I had thin crust lol)
Jackie however had some her first ever.

We rode the ferris wheel on Navy Pier - it was so slow but you know it's so tall I love it.  (on a side note however the swings on Navy pier might be the best ride there). 

We took an architecture boat ride.

Somehow I was more interested in the bridges over the Chicago River I wanted them to go up and down

This bridge is always up - they say it still works I say probably not.

We also ate at Cheezboogers Cheezeboogers


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