

Where we stayed - House Tour (Jones & Co Family Vacation Part 10)

So for part of Family Vacay this year we stayed at C's parents place, which I must say is an incredibly lovely historical home.  It was much larger than we are used to staying in on family vacation - we all had our own rooms that never happens, although I must say I was not a fan of climbing 4 flights of stairs to my room every day especially when I was worn out and sun-crispy from the daily events, but I'm glad we were able to stay there and I'm so thankful it worked out - I was half terrified I might burn the place down with my straightener or something but crisis averted.  Thanks ever so much to C's family for allowing us to stay with you in your beautiful home - if your ever in Indy please feel free to stay at my house.
I swear I thought I took photos of the awesome door knob, backyard, bedrooms, and built-ins but all I can find are these random photos. 
From the outside you can tell it's a tiny cottage - you could fit 5 of them in my house (oh wait not)
This is what I think would be called the kitchen sunroom? We watched tv there while people were getting ready.
This is the formal living room.  I love the sofas and packed one in my suitcase to come home with me.
The actual sunroom - this was an addition to the original house (see what I mean about these crappy photos)
This is the candy stash apparently all small visitors know where this is.  I spied it right away - not sure what that says about me.
Oh this clock by the staircase I love how it chimed - grandfather clocks almost make me want to tell time the right way.
The dining room
And possibly my favorite room in the house - the library bathroom.  It's a teeny tiny water  closet but it's also a library - perfect.
One more post about family vacay and I'm done.

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