

Tuesday 10 - Loves this week in August

1. Chevrons. I want to make a chevron quilt - Blocks from Cluck Cluck Sew
2. Discovering that Janet Jackson's Escapade is $.69 on iTunes this month (you better believe I bought that).
3. Toy Camera Tuesday's on Miss Indie's Blog - I must admit I'm kind of jealous of her toy cameras I want an instax, helga, and juice box (of course the practical side of me says just download another iPhone app.
4. This t-shirt from Noisebot with the exception of my friend Rachael I'm not sure anyone really loves push-ups. 
5. Sleeveface with Jay Jones.  Nobody does Englebert Humperdink like me.

6. Making things with items grown in my garden. Salsa below is made with tomatoes, peppers, and onions grown in the soil at the Bungalow.  It's so yummy!  Oh and Grandpa I put in extra onion this time thanks for the tip.

 7. This girl.  She's also the best root beer float maker ever!
8. These fabrics.  I don't like the entire line but I love the Bikes, and Airplanes.  It's called Children at Play.

9. The view from my doctors office.  You can almost see my house too.
10.  Having a few extra days at home.


  1. I love push ups, and I love that shirt!

  2. I might like pushups if I could do even one ... are you making a chevron quilt? I got all the way to number 4 before I realized it was your blog I was reading...

  3. LOL! You didn't know I needed Janet Jackson for my iPod? I haven't started making a Chevron Quilt yet. I need to finish these three quilts in progress first. But perhaps we can tag team that.
