

Cousins - UP Vacation Part 3

#23 on my list is to spend some time with my cousins. I worked on this while in the UP. I think about 7 of us were there (including my siblings) so that enabled cousin time.  Most of my time was spent with Paul Jr. he's the cousin that is the same age as me so we were buddies growing up.  It was also good to spend some time with him as well as with Sara, Kelly, Tim, Colleen.  Anyhow here are a few of the "Cousins" pictures.  
Lunch - Thea & Paul and Rachel, and Kelly and Momo
Grandpa and Sara
Kelly and Paul and I grilling - I was the Cheese assistant.  Which is a super important role where one puts cheese on burgers.   I know impressive.  Kelly was just our entertainment.

Tim and Taylor (not a cousin)


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