

9/11 in DC

For the 10th anniversary of 9/11 we wanted to be patriotic. What's more patriotic than memorials in DC??   Well Hot Dogs & Apple Pie but we only had memorials in DC.  So off we went to see some favorites as well as the new MLK.  It was my personal quest only to take photos of FCH and I think I pretty much did it I'm not sure you can tell that JJ, Rachel and I were on this trip. 
This is Jefferson from the Tidal Basin where the Cherry Blossoms grow. 
This was a happy accident photo.  But it kind of reminds me of the twin towers.
Wash Mon - Which I think I took 9000 photos of as always. 
Stars at the WWII would you believe FCH had never been there.  The shame.
The sky perfectly blue like always in DC.
We couldn't get this framed up right but I couldn't resist sharing some of our horrible attempts.
Oh look Rachel and JJ were there.
And so was FCH

Here's a shot of MLK I took a bunch of the memorial on the other camera.
I don't know why but I love this picture.  FCH was standing on a wall and people thought he was going to commit suicide.  LOL the things we will do for photo ops.
More of the Jefferson - always a favorite.

And Wash Mon from another POV. 

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