

Favs on Friday - Working from Home

It seems like it's been the dark ages since I did a Fav on Friday. Well maybe not in actuality. But it seems like it.  Anyhow today's Favorite is Working from Home.  When I am not on the road or not on vacation I have the luxury of working from home.  I love it!  It's awesome to roll out of bed into the office and wear my PJs, or my mismatched yoga pants and tank tops. Today is no exception I snapped the photo below of my mismatched slippers.  I can't find their real mates so I just wear them like this.  I also love being able to work from the kitchen table, the sofa, outside on the porch, at my desk just moving around.  Oh and making hot tea all day also fab on a cool day like today  Working from home is a glorious treat.  However sometimes the urge to not shower and to lock myself in is overwhelming in which case I meet people for lunch, I work at Starbucks, the library, Panera or a go to the gym at odd times or whatever.  Anyhow I look forward to my whole week of working from home.
PS - Check out other peoples Fav's here at Quilting in Pyjamas.


  1. I'm a little envious right now because I would love to work from home.

    Cute picture of the mismatched slippers. That's something I'd do too!

    Nice to see you again Katie for FTF.

  2. A great favorite. It's definitely nice to be eble to stay at home in your pj's and not worry about getting dressed. I agree It can become a habit hard to shake sometimes so a change to the routine is a great pick me up.

  3. Working from home is a fabulous favourite! Life is too short to search for matching slippers. ☺ Thanks for sharing. Happy FTF!

  4. Lucky! I wish I could work from home.!/MandyCrandell

  5. I would love to work from home. Hate the drive to work I spend most of the time thinking about all the things I could be doing.
