

235/1000 miles

I have been really bad about trying to hit my daily step goals.  Really bad.  
No excuses.
Weather has been relatively nice.  Jones and I have been walking to the park a few days a week and other days we like to go shopping or something else but somehow I still have been short.  
Regards as of May 1 we had 235 miles, I added 79 in the month of April which was twice what I did in January almost.  Anyhow starting today actually I got up early and walked 2 miles before work.  Jones was up so we went together if he's still asleep I plan to use our fancy garage gym.  
My goal is to have 150 miles at least in May - that's doable right?  Putting it out there so maybe we can get there?  

1 comment:

  1. up for the workday challenge?? I'll send it to you.
