

Book 46 - The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer

Goodness I haven't finished a book in a while partially because I keep starting but not finishing I started Mindy Kalings Book, I started the art of non-conformity, and I started something else that I immediately was bored with.  But this latest Book The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer was a much faster read.  It actually was not what I was anticipating when I read it.  I initially actually got it because the forward is by Brene Brown (I think she's pretty sweet).  anyhow I digress - The Art of Asking is sort of a book about Amanda Palmers (from The Dresden Dolls life) but sorta not.  It was full of very interesting stories and tidbits about Kickstarter, Crowdsourcing, Ninja Gigs, the idea exchange and asking.  Her story is really interesting she was a 7ft bride in Cambridge Square for a long time how fun is that.  I plan to watch her Ted Talks now and investigate your Ukuele music now as well.  Anyhow it was worth the read, but then again I generally like memoir like books.  
Anyhow book 46 will be finished soon as well I went for a fiction book that seemed to be on everyone's must read list.

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