

First day of preschool age 2 & 4

First day of preschool age 2 (technically just daycare but she doesn’t want leftout).  

She says:

Favorite color pink

She wants to be a “mermaid auntie” when she grows up.  

Favorite thing at school “choo choo wagon and carly”, least favorite “don’t know”

Favorite food she said “goldfish”, but I know it’s really sauce she just saw the gold fish snack wrapper that she left in the car.

First day of preschool 4 aka pre-k.  

He says his favorite color is red.  

He wants to be a farmer when he grows up so he can grow all the things like apples and rainbow carrots.  

What he’s looking forward to at school “his friends and slime”.

He is not looking forward to “nap time”. 

Favorite food he said carrots and then changed it to CANDY.  

Love them! 

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