

Theaburf 29 months

I stopped these since the lack of murals in rural Ohio.  But we saw a new one on the way home from B2S shopping and stopped.  So here is Thea in all her glory at age 29 months!

Thea at 29 months is into coloring and making art.  She likes True, Barbie, legos, swimming, dancing and babies.  

She will talk your ear off, picking up phrases from you the first time she hears them.  

She is fearless running headfirst into walls and drinking from puddles.  

She doesn’t like bread but is super into most fruits and veggies.  

She can’t wait for the illusive kindergarten (she’s a long way off). 

She says v’s as b’s vegetables.

She is working on potty training and can’t wait to earn her mermaid by completing her potty chart.

She picked out “princess” pajamas school shopping and lost it when I tried to put them back.

She likes 25 cent gum machines.

She mixes patterns and loves flowy skirts.  

She likes to wrestle and play ball.

Ahhhh my little Thea Lady! 

Love mommy

Here’s one of the two of us.  

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