

24- Dance Classes for Thea

I enrolled Thea in dance classes that started a few weeks ago.  We are starting with tap dance because you need to be older for ballet/hip hop at this studio and the other one, and she can take gymnastics at the college. But so far she LOVES it.  she been waiting for something that she can do since she’s still too young for soccer, tball and ice skating.  She loves getting there early and watching the girls in ballet or the older kids tap classes.  She runs right into class and reminds the teachers “I am Thea.” In case they forget. Then she follows directions the best she can.  After class she sings me the songs and tells me all the things she loves.  She also likes to watch the big kids that have class after her it’s hip hop dance and she tries to mimic them watching thru the window.  
Sorry about the terrible photos it’s hard to get good ones thru the windows as their are blinds.

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