


The other day we took my kids to a new park and while they were playing a girl came and instantly Jones said to her “hey do you want to play hurricane?”  This girl was totally in.  jones then explained to her that hurricane was a big storm that comes and you have to get up high from the water and wind.   They proceeded to run around screaming “oh no hurricane” then climb up high - they could climb down presumably when all was safe.  At one point they did go into the low lying tent playground structure which must be hurricane withstanding because this was acceptable.  As hurricane was being played out two boys came and Jones invited them to join and a “vampirate” aka dog that was nearby added another dynamic to the game as it was also to be avoided as it was leaking lava from its mouth and it could fly. 
Anyhow I watched and marveled at his imagination and ability to just bring in people.  Also side note:  he is really is into the weather and seeing things like hurricanes & volcanos you know natural disasters.  

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