

My Birthday

I would be remiss if I didn't blog a little bit about my birthday, although I won't go into a complete play by playk. I had a really great day.  I went out to lunch with these people.
One of them the fabulous Jill brought me the most adorable gifts - they were a tribute to our friendship each thing representing something we discussed or did together.  She put the cutest little notes on the packages. I loved it.  So special.
I won't tell you what they all mean because that is like a novel in and of itself but here are most of the package.
We also went out to Dave and Busters which was the perfect place to go because Lita could get in.  And they had skee-ball!
And I started my jar (#45) which is already accumulating lots of goodies.


  1. And you got a phone call from me :o)

  2. well quite a few phone calls but yay for ones from jodie it was good to chat at you yesterday too.
