

Tuesday 10 - No Tutorial Again

 I don't think I have my camera with me this week, so I couldn't even make you a tutorial about riding in the elevator, or how to eat a tamale from the RV truck in Springfield, so here's a list -
1. Ferris Wheels!  I have been dreaming of them - read about here. the maker of them. 

2. That I'm missing the thunderstorms and rain in Indy.
3. This dilbert seems appropriate for me. (source)
4. Eagle Harbor Family Vacation 2010 starts Friday! (photo by george hite from here)

5. My horoscope today - "fuzzy Neptune" sometimes I just love reading this.
6. New Orange flavored chapstick
7. Patched Hardwood - this has been a long time coming - now if the stain would have just matched like the sample did.
8. Having only 2 more days work work in the month of July.
9. My birthday present from mom - Look out letterpressing here I come. (#31 is done) - YAY!
10. Extra's new improved bubble gum.  It's like their old one - perhaps they reverted back to the recipe from 2004.  Whatever though I love it!

1 comment:

  1. LOL @ Dilbert... so true!

    Your mom got you a letterpress! SWEET!
