

Guest Blogger Tuesday Tutorial - Crocheting with Momo

I'm so excited about this tutorial.  
My super awesome Momo of the blog The More you know, the More you Grow brings us this crochet tutorial. Momo tells me is "dedicated to miss lily who is only six and she taught how to crochet" - Some of you might know Lily as she's my friend "It's me Jen's" daughter.
1. Cast on with a slip stitch
2. Chain 3
3. Then you make a ring in the first stitch
4. Chain 3 in the first petal
 5. 2 double crochet
6. Repeat, 3 Double Crochet chain 2 (3 Times)
7.  Connect to thrid stitch in 1st Change 3
8. Tie off and Cut
 9. Connect next color in the corner with a slip stitch

 10. Chain 3, 2 double crochet chain 2
11. 3 Double Crochet chain
12. Repeat 3 Double Crochet chain 2, 3 more double crochet
 13. Repeat 3rd, and 4th corner in the same manner
me - "What's that mean?"
momo - "Do the same thing again for the other corners.  Tell everyone if they don't get it they can come with me to Aunt Jo's she's taught me."
me - "okay."
14. If you are confused open invite to aunt jo's - continuing on - Connect 3rd chain with slip stitch and tie off and cut
15. In the corner with a slip stitch and the new colors chain 3
 16. For the first corner - 2 Double crochet 3, chain 3, chain 2, double crochet 3, chain 1
 17. Three double crochet in the hole
18. Chain 1, 3 double crochet chain 2 in second corner, 3 double crochet chain 1
 19. Repeat in Corner 3 and 4 and the holes in between
20. Join with slip stitch in 3rd chain of 1 green section
21. Connect to 1st Chain and hide string in back
 Ta Da!  Aren't they pretty!

Don't you want my momo to make you one?  Or to make one now yourself?


  1. nice .. who is the blanket going to be for?

  2. yay!! lilly will be SO excited when she sees this (thanks katiej and momo ;) as for me... im not allowing myself any more crafty hobbies... but, ill keep this on my list ;)

  3. Anonymous1:25 PM

    I love to crochet. So I am going to try after I get done on the crochet project I am working on now. My niece wants to learn to crochet but I am right handed and she left handed any suggetions?

  4. this is from lilly. i don't have the stuff at home to do it. thank you for making this post for me. lilly ;)

  5. oh my perhaps we'll have to send lilly suplies
