

A Senior (not of the senior citizen variety that is)

Lita and her friend Stephen asked if I would take senior photos, this most likely sponed from me taking Lita's last year to save momo a little money.  Anyhow I said I would since I like to help people and he had done lots of heavy lifting in the downsizing move.  And so off we went with my camera with a dying battery (the charger was at home).  I managed to get a handful of decent shots although I'm in no way a professional photography - I'll leave that to the Jodie's and Val's as I really can only use one setting Auto on my fancy camera. Thanks to Jono for his assistance as the assistant next time we do a project like this we should remember to have the charger for the camera.  Anyhow here are a few of my favorite shots taken. 

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job, Katie!!! And yes ... a charger is a good thing! LOL!
