

#11 - 24 Hours of Movies

I actually started "#11 Spend 24 Hours Watching Movies" in November but I was like 4 hours of finishing it when I needed to leave for DC.  Anyhow my original plan had been to spend 24 hours in a row watching movies - this has been nearly impossible for me since Blockbuster is closed here and Red Box just doesn't carry that many things I want to see.  And quite honestly I'm not sure my attention span can last 24 hours without getting bored unless I just LOVE the movies.  So I modified the plan by going to see movies in person and taking breaks for sleeping and meals etc. as well as doing things like laundry and knitting while watching.  Anyhow I finished the 24_ hours sometime between now and when I started this item in November so I'm crossing off #11.  Here are some of the movies I watched in case you too want to spend 24+ hours watching movies -
Troy - Who doesn't love movies about ancient times with Eric Bana (adorable), Orlando Bloom, and Brad Pitt - my only complaint is I would like to see how they built that horse, and more of the city of Troy.  
Bourne Ultimatum - This was on TBS and I hadn't seen it since it came out.  Aside from the dizzy-ing action sequences and the lame 'flashbacks' this one kept me awake until 2 am.
Burlesque - Cher + Christina  = Awesome - well not really but I had such high hopes. This was like BAD Moulin Rouge.  The script was horrible and so was the acting but I do love the singing Christina still has it.  If you are going to see this wait for the DVD or take someone who will crack jokes the whole time -(thanks Chris)
Eat. Love. Pray - Again I had high hopes for this one.  I was given the book for my birthday and I actually read it - the book seemed to have this big middle section that annoyed me but was very well written and it was relate-able.  However the movie seemed to be so disjointed I'm not sure people who hadn't read the book could have really followed it unless they pay super attention.  
Glitter - What a fabulously bad movie this is.  I had forgotten the bad-awesomeness of this movie.  Not only is Mariah Carey playing a african-american women with blonde hair, but she wears the awesome outfits, has an abusive boyfriend, but it has sweet scenes like -hearing  her song on the radio jumping out of the cab and runs to a pay phone to call her BFFs all the while blaring the song for the whole city.
Heat - Another good old one - did you know like 100 good actors were in this movie?  You should for sure see it if you haven't already.
Morning Glory - This was a cute light-hearted movie - however I could have done without the ending - I just didn't believe it for a minute and how it played out was just goofy.  But Rachel McAdams it too cute and Diane Keaton is also great in this one.
Pearl Harbor - Super Long - but super good - I love period movies and war movie and love stories so this is a win win.  And it's one of those movies you can see several times and not really be over it.
Sex in the City 2 - This pretty much picked up where the last one left off.  It was enjoyable, funny.  The clothes were way over the top and I do NOT think for a second even these luxurious ladies would have changed this much in like 3 days.
Saving Private Ryan - More greatness - again with my love of war + love + periods - while Pearl Harbor is a traditional love story this is a different type of love story and where Pearl Harbor was long this was just as long but didn't seem to drag like PH.  Oh and I think Tom Hanks is the bees knees.
The Joneses - I thought this movie was about a family of hit men.  HAH!  I was wrong however it had some humor and was a different story.  However it wasn't bad or good really just kind of a space filler movie, and it got points for the title.


  1. 24 hours of movies .. that sounds like something I could do. Maybe if you make it a goal for next year we could do it together on 1/2?? I don't have too much trouble doing nothing.

  2. Perhaps we will - I love MOVIES.

  3. What i love about cold, wintry days is curling up on the couch watching a good movie. Not sure I could do 24 hours worth, but I am glad you've checked it off of your list!
