

Swimming at the Beach in November

We went to Wilmington, North Carolina before thanksgiving for Uncle Dick's funeral and memorial services. Aunt Mearlene's friends put us up in their lovely vacation home which was truly wonderful.  Anyhow we had some free time and we went to the beach twice.  Despite it being November and  not having beach towels or a swim suit I went swimming anyhow - surprisingly I think the water was colder in the UP in July.  I found the ocean was rather refreshing and the salt seems less harsh when the water is colder.  I was glad Jono was there to join me so I wasn't the only one going for a dip. And then Cody, Jessie and Bruce the next day - they actually planned to go swimming despite the cold which I love - I knew I loved these people for a reason.  It was also good to spend more time with Aunt Thea & Uncle Paul, as well as JJ and Jono especially in a time of loss - oh and as a double bonus it also qualifies for more of #38 on my list

Wilmington is rather dead this time of year and just as beautiful probably more so because you don't have to fight with crowds of people or swelter in the heat. So if you are looking for a good spot to vacation you might check it out.


  1. Oh how I miss those Carolina blue skies!

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    your a nut! so sorry for all the loss your family has seen too. - nick
