

Another Installment of Awesomeness from the Jones & Co Photo Project

I got all my photos sorted and some of grandpa's too so more scanning can begin in the Jones & Co Photo Project.  And I have been getting down to business.  Scanning some real gems so of course I want to share even if most of the people who read my blog are not related to me or these awesome people skip this post if you want to - FYI to any family members the latest scans have not been transferred to flickr yet.

This is James Hamilton White born 7.28.1829 died 4.23.1909 I know this because it's on the back of the photo - believed to be taken on his 50th wedding anniversary in 1903.  I believe this is my great grandfathers grandpa so I think it's my great great great grandpa (that's a lot of greatness).  I think it looks a little like my Uncle Andrew and Uncle Jonathan. Anyway I really like his tie I can't quite figure it out though is it a bow tie?
 These are Raymond and Fern and I think Raymond was my grandma's cousin but I could be making that up. Aren't Ray's knickers great and I'd love to see what kind of awesome colors that plaid hat was.
 Sadly these people are not labeled I'm assuming there are also some white/pope relatives because they are in the same set of photos we had from Howard's house. 
 This is Cell Pope he just looks so uncomfortable in this photo, and what is that hanging from his belt a watch?  I think it looks a little like my cousin Paul.  I also love his name John McCellan Pope (my spelling might be off) but it's very fun.
 Oh people on the beach!  This is seal beach 1921 according to the photo must be spring or winter based on their clothes.  Nettie and JM Pope my great great grandparents - two unknown people (although that one guy looks like a hoot) and then Dessie Howard and Ila White
Winfield Kansas August 28, 1931.  A White Family Photo...  
Top: Ivan White, Helen White, Dessie, Ila and Howard White
Middle: Horace and Josephine White
Bottom:  Dick, Ray, Jean, Ruth and ??? (how sad we don't even know who that girl in the glasses is - however I'm sure if I dug out my family tree I could fill it in). 
These and more awesomeness are coming soon to  I wish I had stories to go along with these faces. 


  1. Maybe you could send them to Ila and ask her for identification? I don't think Gpa or Mearlene would have any idea. There's also Barbara Price who might be able to help -- she's Grandma's cousin (Uncle Eddie Pope's daughter). Maybe your mom could give her your blog and/or flickr addresses and she could fill thing in.

  2. I wonder if the couple in front of the university style building could be Harry and Avis?
    I also think that the girl with glasses could be Josephine Fern and Raymond's daughter.
    I will send this website to Kate and ask her to have her mom check and see if she knows who the folks are.
