

I install doors

This was the weekend of mini projects around here...
  • I replaced all the faceplates in the living room - sadly all the outlets are really "beige' not white so all those need to be replaced too.  I'm hoping for a trip to Cheeseburger in Paradise I can get Chris to do it.
  • I made about 50 greeting cards I now have a nice stash again.
  • I rearranged my bedroom - it's like a whole new world in there now.
  • I organized my shelf (this was actually #26 on the 52 things in 2010 list just a little late).  I got all the photos on the shelf and the scrapbook pages sorted and put away feels so good for everything to have a home. 
  • I put in a tack strip for the main bathroom - this was my first time using the circular saw on metal all alone.  I didn't even poke out my eye with metal shavings.  It's so empowering perhaps I'll install metal backsplashes in the kitchen now with this new found power. 
  • And then I installed a door.  Yes you read that right I installed a door. (That's not a typo Jono did not do it).  Jono's room needed a new door, so we went to lowes and go it.  And he got frustrated after cutting it to size to match my weird old house - so instead I did it.  With the assistance of my trusty assistant Lita.  I even taught Lita how to use a drill - I'm so Bob Villa I tell you. Then I put on a door knob too (that was the easiest part). But thank you Jono for doing all the heavy lifting of the new door and the old door.

This is where Jono says "STOP taking pictures and hold open the screen Kate."
And my newly installed door.  It really only has one handle however my iPhone App has a mind of it's own and I have not mastered it yet.
I already know that more projects are coming this week it's in the air here.  Maybe I will install counters in the kitchen next???


  1. Look at you being so productive. Was it seeing the things that needed to be done at our house that inspired you? (our bathroom door, the wonderful hallway carpet, etc.)

  2. No I think it was being gone for a while always makes me want to finish things.
