

I was bitten by a rattlesnake...

My friend Jen has been blogging facebook statuses that never got posted.  When I first read them I thought - I also have blog posts that never got blogged.  Mostly because I think of things to blog about when -
A) I'm driving 
B) I'm working 
C) I'm showering
and/or D) None of the above they just never get blogged because there are no photos to accompany them. 
Anyhow with the acquisition of the iPhone I have been documenting some of these non-existent post titles in my phone just in case one day I do blog them - for example this post was one of these very posts.  Anyhow I thought I would share some more of these ideas from the phone because as I documented the latest one I thought they were an interesting collection and maybe someday you'll get to hear the rest:
  • Reasons I don't have a dog
  • 10 white bathtowels on the floor
  • Things my almost sister texts
  • I was bitten by a rattlesnake
  • 7 year old dust
  • Sometimes women in shape-up sneakers ask my advice
  • Never sick of my 90's playlist
  • I used my sister's snugglie as a yoga mat
  • Roll Tide
I think they might also make good song title's too if only I was musically inclined or in a band?


  1. Anonymous7:18 PM

    :) love this :) i have blog ideas running constantly though my head too. some are half way started and saved in random places on my computer. or scratch paper. i love your blog idea and hope to hear about the rattlesnake and the yoga snuggie mat especially :) and btw... not every post needs a pic ;) hugs!!

  2. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Roll Tide.

  3. I am very, very intrigued to learn more about those topics.
