
Give the Jones a Cookbook and he'll cook for a year.

Yep that's right Momo gave Jono a cookbook for Christmas and he's been cooking ever since. I think he's really enjoying himself too.  It's good to be back home so he has someone to cook for.  This was some kind of pepper pasta. 


thea said...

I hope the cookbook has at least 365 different recipes!

Jodie said...

Awesome! Can Jones come down and cook for me? Logan loves to cook. He can be in the kitchen with Jono and I'll do up all the dishes!

Katie said...

just one more reason we love Logan! He got 3 cookbooks so I'm sure we have 365 recipes or more.

Anonymous said...

And, I bought 2 more Saturday night! =) --- Jonathan

Katie said...

Yes that's right. The real question is when will Jono get a blog?