

5 Posts Everyones Reading

Last year I started getting stats on my blog. And I was actually shocked so many people read it as hardly anyone comments and I'm not even selling anything I'm giving away the story that is my life.  Anyhow I at least 30 of these views a day are random google hits so I thought I would share with you what apparently everyone is searching. 
#1 He'll kick in your teeth - This post actually averages 15 pageviews a day - I guess I need to blog about Rugby or Morne more often after all he is so dreamy
#2 Corita Kent - I think this is just because it's the next post after the one about rugby
#3 Ohio Cup - Jono you will be happy to know this one is popular since it's about your baseball team.  However they are usually using search terms for the Columbus team.
#4 Head of the Charles - Also another sports post - Rach you need to have that weightlifting quilter blog you'd get crazy hits
#5 No Strings Attached - WTF - Not even sure how this one gets ranked up there but apparently since I blogged about this movie it's had consistent viewings.

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