

5 Favorite Recipes

From Time to Time I share recipes on here.  Probably not anywhere near as often as I toss things together.  I wish I had written down the recipe for that lentil potato and bacon soup I made not so long ago.  Anyhow without further ado here are 5 of my favorites: 
1. Cus-Uncle Steven's Chilli - oh I love this one
2. Egg Rolls - I love to make these they are the yummiest oh although I wish I knew where the plug was to the fryer.
3. Pepper Soup - You knew we couldn't just have one soup on the list.
4. Walnut Pesto - Nothing like a good pesto also good on a sandwich or salad not just pasta. 
5. Pineapple Pico De Gallo - One of my favorite foods is fresh pico and I love love to make this and eat it both.

1 comment:

  1. I still need to try the walnut pesto. sounds too yummy!
