

Congratulations Momo! aka That's One Fine Looking Gang (Da Weekend Part 4)

Another Penguin Adventure happened this weekend as well. Momo retired after 37+ years of teaching school.  She has always only wanted to do one thing - Teach.  She taught in one room school houses, in catholic schools, online, in traditional classrooms, she taught grades K-8 and I'm sure it's been challenging as well as rewarding.  She has been inspiring learning in young minds since she was very young and I'm sure she'll continue to do it in one way or another.  Momo thanks for being a catalyst for learning both in the classroom and out.  I'm so proud of you and I cannot wait for the next phase in your life.  I hope you had a great penguin retirement party.
Anyhow we threw Momo a party in Penguin theme since this is the year of the penguin (Penguin Adventure #6 under our belts yes I realize I never blogged #5 but we didn't take pictures the horror!).  I think the party was a success it was great to see old teachers from our past like my kindergarten teacher, as well as other longtime family friends.  
Anyhow I'm not going to make this long winded because I have like 1 gazillion things to do this weekend and blogging wasn't really on this list, so onward to the photos!
This is Momo and Brianna opening Penguin gifts.  Brianna is the daughter of my childhood friend Beth who was in one of mom's 1st grade classes um like 25 years ago. 
Shreve is getting ready to slaughter the penguin. (The cake turned out well but his little feet melted).
This is the Schreve and his Kindergarten teacher Sue.
And Mick
Mom and Smeatana's (I think I spelled that right).
Sue and Mary Jane who was momo's principal for like 10 years.
Jones and Co avoiding the paparazzi
Oh that's better
This is Kelly (momo's friend) who also taught all the Jones and Co crew science in high school and her daughter in law and grandbaby.
More teachers from Kramer with momo.
Ashley has baby fever - look out Jono
Schreve I'm not sure what this is
Mel on his new toy
And the weekend would not be complete without family photos since all of Jones & Co was present - we set-up and then momo wandered off and JJ went to get her
You know these pictures aren't perfect partially because of the sun flare but that's okay - here's the whole gang - not we no longer fit in one car unless we get a bus (although I'm not sure that's really changed as I recall days when Jono sat on the floor or we sat 4 across in the van). 
Oh and Just in case you don't know everyone. 
Back - JJ, Mel, Lita, Chris
Front - Schreve, Alicia, Momo, Me, Jono and Ash

And because we like to have fun - here's a funny shot.  I love you guys!
In case you missed all the other posts about the kick-off to summer aka da weekend you can relive them here - #1, #2, #3.   Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the family pictures! You all look great!
