

5 Favorite Best of Life Posts

I'm kicking off my blogs 5th Birthday with a recap of my 5 favorite blog posts.  As I thought about what were my favorite posts most of them including more writing lots of my posts don't they are very photo heavy.  I think that's a sign I should write more. Click the hyperlink to read them.
1. Mom's Moving Weekend - Circa 2009
2. I want to remember series - Circa 2010 Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (okay so this is 4 but I love them all)
3. I rode a city bus! - Circa 2007
4. Drip Drip Drip - Circa 2006
5. I was going to blog about my weekend in Indy (aka a Chinese adventure) - Circa 2009


1 comment:

  1. How did I not read all those posts before?!? I have been a very negligent aunt. I love all your posts, though some of them make me kind of sad .. well melancholy.
