
Kindergarten woah

Thea Bird

Time has just flown by it seems like just the other day you were learning to walk and crawl.  I feel like I blinked and you are now five and so grown up using big words and having such sass.  You are growing up and I want you to know you are AMAZING.  

I won’t lie I did not cry dropping you off today, I jumped for joy.  We just finished up a quarantine where my patience and sanity was tested to the extreme, so I needed a break – thank you kindergarten!  But that’s not to say I that I won’t miss and wonder what’s going on at school and I am not grieving the loss of my bold toddler baby lady.  I do.  I do miss that lady, but I also celebrate your growth and learning. 

I hope that you will listen, watch, learn, experience and love school.  I want you to learn to read and add and subtract.  Discover a passion for history, science, math, art, dodge ball or writing.   Make friends, art, and mistakes.  I want you to show love and grace while doing it.  Be a friend.  Do to it all and be you doing it.  

I sent a postcard in your lunch box that says “Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons.” – and I mean it.  Be that flamingo.  Be okay being yourself, you are smart, fierce, genuine and sassy.  Here’s to a great year baby lady.  

Lots of love Mom

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