
Dear Jackie and Lisa - Book 11

Finally finished another book. I've been reading three at a time so it felt good to finally finish one. This one was classic - Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. I downloaded it for free for my iPhone one day when they took my suitcase which had my other book in it - it was actually the only free book I recognized the author so I downloaded it.   
It's a cute story although a bit wordy at times.  Anne is so likeable it's hard not to like.  It was like a throwback to watching the movies with mom although the book is actually a little different.  Not sure why but I liked this question that Anne asked Matthew in like the first chapter "which would you rather be if you had the choice - divinely beautiful or dazzlingly clever or angelically good?"  - I think I'd go with dazzling clever because who doesn't want to sparkle cleverness.  Anyhow it was a good read and I'd probably read it again and it made me want to watch the movies too.  
Thats all the reading from me for now.   Happy Reading girls!


Lisa Rice said...

I LOVE the movies! The books ought to be even better! Happy reading Katie!! I'm reading Iced.

thea said...

Is this the first fiction book you've read this year? (I can't remember and I'm too lazy to go back and look.) I don't think I've ever read it .. maybe Momo would enjoy watching the movies with you .. I know Paul would!!