
Oh yeah Halloween Happened

Let me preface this by saying its crazy how the hurricane last week impacted work and the lives of people in NY and NJ.  Commute times for my co-workers this week have been sometimes double and triple and at least 10 or so of the 30+ project team members still didn't have power most of this week.  While I was busy basking in my enjoyment working from my night comfortable home.  They however were crippled by lack of transport, waiting in lines to siphon gas to refuel their cars,  hauling water up 13 flights in their high rise apartments and arguing with people over who gets the last loaf of bread.  Let's not even start on those less fortunate than them.  Much of my time in prayer this week has been focused on them, but it's been a real reminder of how blessed I am but as well how fragile that balance is as well. 
But I also go to the Halloween party at my friends Erica and Artie house.  On Monday Kathleen and I devised a plan to be Dustin and his best friend Jake.  We made our Halloween costumes from things found in the house - including our cardboard cut-out props.  it was well worth the "10 minutes" of effort because the second we walked in the door everyone knew who we were.  It was totally hilarious.  I love that Kathleen agreed to accompany me when Dustin had school and of course she went full out with her Dustin Costume and nailed it to the "as is tradition".  As always we had a blast. 

1 comment:

thea said...

As always, looks like a terrific time. My co-workers in NY/NJ also had a rough time. Our office was closed all of that week (no big surprise since the office is right at Battery Park). It was impossible to know what was going on because most people didn't have power or phones or internet access. Crazy times, especially for a city like New York.