
Adventures in Every Day Life with JJ Jones

JJ Jones came to visit this last week - it was the worlds quickest visit - we already miss him. Anyhow we played some cards, had family dinners, went out for drinks, took a roadtrip to Hamilton, Ohio and just hung out. I was probably the biggest picture taking slacker seen all weekend I think JJ took more pics with his iPhone that I did with either of my cameras. Anyhow here's some pictures from our adventures have a great sunday.
Lovely Sign seen in Hamilton Ohio.
outside jungle jim's - this is a cool grocery store - I picked up some ostrich burgers, interesting beers, asian foods, alligator and kangaroo jerky, fruits and veggies - although all in all - I think that the asian markets, and latino stores are just as good although - perhaps less interesting of stores.
There's a tourist bus that drops people off there - no joke.
I couldn't resist this one - we have the pay day loan/gun/pawn shop right next to the smoke and liquor store - however nobody stopped so I could check it out.
We got the whole jones & co crew plus some and went to Shallo's after a dinner at the house - Lita came with us since it's a restaurant too. I couldn't find a beer that I liked even with their 100 selections - I do not care for Hard Gumball or Midas touch beer thanks for drinking them Jono and Steve.
I can't be normal in any picture ever - here's some evidence to such. I can appreciate that Matt/Johnny Damon also is making a face.
Jono and Ash - aren't they too cute.
Here we are trying to be like schreve - matt, katie, alicia - what do you think?
JJ and Schreve - I just think this is too cute!
There were some old fashions - (just the smell of it from the other end of the table was making me ill) - Jono, Lil Schreve, Steve, Schreve - say those names 10 times fast.
And a whole "group shot - this just cracks me up - it took like 5 minutes to get everyone to actually smoosh together so we could fit in the same frame - but we did it!
Til next time!


thea said...

looks like y'all had a great time!

Lynley said...

Hey! What a coincidence: I'm road tripping to Jungle Jim's this coming weekend! I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

i have friends that live there!! we tried taking pics in jungle jim's and we got scolded by the employees.

Anonymous said...

Sorry we didn't get to meet jay jones - i wish we still lived down the street. - Kel