

Another week complete this week was my first week home in what seems like ages.  I was glad for it and oh so ready for it.  I hadn't spent more than 2 days consecrutive with Dustin since our honeymoon and he spent so many of those days on call.  But last week came and went too fast.
Monday - too lazy to go to the store dinner casserole
Tuesday - we took a three mile walk around our neighborhood, even I walked on streets I never had.
Wednesday - work from home under a sweet afghan made by nanny p.
Thursday - Glamour Shots Kathleen has already used hers for pranking. 
Friday - Bachelorette party for Brit which took us to the drag show - quite the spectacle although I like dancing Bachelorette parties better.
Saturday - we went to some weird parking lot fair specifically to the Ferris wheel which only had 4 people on it so the ride lasting extra long.
Sunday - Watching the Blues lose two in a row and my husband forgetting his knickers so we had to get him pants
Now I am back to NYC sitting in traffic at the holland Tunnel - UGH Mondays!

1 comment:

thea said...

Glad you were able to be home, if only for a week. Love the glam shot!