
Last Blues Game

Two weeks ago the Blues had their last Blues games.  They played 4 games back to back.  It was a hot long afternoon.  I also somehow stabbed myself with an umbrella and managed to make the second game a little more exciting as we had no band-aids and I was dripping blood pretty much everywhere.  They won all four games and the bonnet girls were much impressed with their sportsmanship and playing, espeically Roosters lack of a strikezone and diving and rolling to catch those hits to the rightfield.  We also really like Shankswank's warm-up routine and he did have a mad impressive day of good plays at second base.  
Unbeknown to us at the time - it was Shawshank's last tournament and season with the Blues.  I know Rooster will miss being on the ball field with him. And I will miss the Shank at the ball field and just hanging out around Indy.   We are still holding out hope he can find a team in the same league and Florida and they want to travel to the midwest for a tournament.  Well struck young Shawshank well struck.

I think this photo of us girls is hilarious.  Notice our matching but "not matching shirts? We made those - Huzzah!


Anna said...


Katie said...

I know I took most of my photos after you left. Sorry momo

thea said...

love the matching/not t-shirts. Jono actually looks a little sad .. he will be missed by the blues.