
Surprise Trip

 This past weekend I surprised Dustin with a trip to NYC for the weekend.  He almost ruined the surprise when he kept going on and on about going to his nieces birthday on the same day.  I wanted to just tell him that he wouldn't be here but I didn't.  He almost figured us out but Kathleen played it up so well and she was the best trickster!    We spent the bulk of our weekend walking around the city.  Dust had never been there but he didn't really have anything special he wanted to do.  So we just walked and walked and walked.  Oh and Dust ate and ate it seemed every time we walked past something he was hungry or at least it was too good to pass up.  But I guess if you are going to over indulge yourself there's no place better than NYC.  I do have to say we ate at a Japanese steakhouse one night and it was marvelous one of the best meals I'd had in a LONG time.
On Sunday our friend Megan joined us.  We did some more walking only this time in Central Park.  I was disappointed that the leaves had not yet changed there yet but there's still time for that.  We found a cute little street fair I just I had the energy to want to walk around in it.
Overall it was a good trip Dustin was surprised he enjoyed himself - his exact words were "weekend to measure all other weekends by"  I guess that means we need to up our weekend activities? ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful surprise! and a wonderful place to just hang out and walk around, so much to see and so many people to watch! very nice.