
Enjoy New York

You know sometimes I really should stop complaining.  My life is not horrible at all.  In fact it's great - God has given me so many blessings.  I'm being given a wonderful opportunity.  The kind other people only dream about and here I am complaining.  Sorry about that. 
Anyhow I made this new friend today he gave me his nutshell life philosophy and his story made me feel like I need to just enjoy this. It was awesome.
So today after work I walked about.  
I walked and I walked and I walked.  
It was good walking.  
It was patient, half lost, half found walking. 
It was enjoyable walking.  And I crossed something off my bucket list - Walk across the Brooklyn bridge - DONE twice actually because I walked over and then back.  I walked clear across lower Manhattan.  What a difference a day makes.  This is where I start enjoying this more.

Photos were all taken today. 


thea said...

sooo, what was his life philosophy?? I love visiting New York. If you're down in Battery Park, and there's a vendor in an automated scooter -- that's Paul's brother Larry. You should stop and say hi if you see him.

Keith said...

Wandered by, stopped to read, love the ketchup bottle.