
Dear Jackie and Lisa - 52 Books #2

Dear Jackie and Lisa - 
I finished my book #2 - I Love Everyone (and Other Atrocious Lies), by Laurie Notaro in record time this week - I actually finished this on Thursday.    A friend of mine gave it to me (thx Dee) eons ago telling me that this women reminded her of me.   If you are going to read this book - don't think that this will give you any perspective on the real life of Katie though as aside from the fact I get into interesting situations sometimes I can honestly tell you these are not the same situations I have been in.  The book reads quickly and tells mini stories about the life of a writer.  They are are not entirely connected but still connected, and there's enough information to keep your interest.  Anyhow the book was humorous, a fast read and a little bit raunchy at times, it's definitely not the typical book I would pick up.  It's not likely I will read this again so if either of you wants it let me know and I will ship it right out.  
Happy Reading Girls!  :o) Katie


1 comment:

Anna said...

Sure I will read it! I am up for some nonfiction as I have been reading fiction lately. I will try to get it at the Lane Library though first.